Scottish Federation of Organists
The Alfred Hollins Memorial Fund was established in 1943 to perpetuate the memory of Dr. Alfred Hollins, the distinguished blind organist and composer who died in Edinburgh on 17 May 1942. It was founded by members drawn from the Edinburgh and Glasgow Societies of Organists together with representatives from the Royal College of Organists and the Incorporated Association of Organists. It is now administered by the Scottish Federation of Organists but retains its own separate identity.
The Fund exists for the purpose of making awards as follows:
a) to a blind student of the organ who intends to become a professional musician
b) a prize for the best original organ composition by a blind student of the organ
c) a grant towards the cost of publication of music in Braille as issued by the Royal Institute for the Blind
d) a grant to a blind organist to assist in the prosecution of his/her profession
e) a guarantee against loss to the member society of the SFO hosting the annual conference to assist in defraying the expenses of an organ recital at the conference. This recital to be designated as an Alfred Hollins Memorial Recital.
The value of any award is determined by the resources of the Fund and may be varied from year to year. Over the past 60 years the Fund has helped several blind organists in the furtherance of their musical careers.
Applications are invited in writing from individuals and from educational establishments on behalf of any blind students who would be eligible under the conditions listed above, and should include full details of the applicant's musical ability and career objectives.
Initial contact should be sent to the Secretary: Mr Allan Bicket,